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Community Sharing

We at Project Esperanza believe that it is important to teach our children the importance of sharing what they have with others less fortunate. When we hear of a particular need in our community, we hold a group discussion about how we can help those affected. We are always amazed at the compassion and generosity of our kids. Although Project Esperanza does not typically have more resources than we need, those resources that we have are happily shared with families in dire need if at all possible.

Wiston lives in what used to be a one room shack with his parents and 6 siblings. Project Esperanza donated building materials to this family so they could build a small bedroom for four of their seven children. In addition to helping children in our facility, we also provide help to families of the children who receive services in our shelter.

Through fund-raising efforts, money was raised in October 2002 to purchase and distribute food to starving families in northern Nicaragua. A van was rented and our children set out with our volunteers to distribute food in that area. Our children were struck by the magnitude of the poverty in the northern region; and this experience led to several group discussions about why people have to suffer, why the government allows it, and other thought-provoking topics.

Volunteers Donna and Mariana present little Luis with a bicycle to enable him to go to school. We had taken Luis to a visiting American heart specialist in Managua who determined that his condition was inoperable and that he had only a few years to live. Our boys voted to donate their smallest bicycle to Luis so that he could continue going to school.

"He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord,
and He will pay back what he has given."
- (Proverbs 19:17)

Luis Carlos, who lives in a neighboring shelter, suffers from scoliosis. Project Esperanza volunteers donated money and took Luis Carlos to a local hospital for x-rays. The x-rays were sent to a volunteer doctor in the United States who will continue to monitor Luis Carlos' annual x-rays until the inevitable surgery is required.

Our volunteers raised enough money to start Robert Jose's chemotherapy treatment in Managua after it was discovered that he suffered from cancerous tumors in his sinuses and neck. Through donations, he and his mother were flown to the United States where Roberto Jose' underwent successful removal of the tumors. Sadly, Roberto Jose' died from further cancerous growth shortly after returning to Nicaragua. His family is comforted in knowing that we assisted in doing everything humanly possible for him.